Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Aqiqah Ceremony

As soon as a Muslim baby is born it is given a bath. Then the father welcomes it into the family by whispering the Shahadah into the baby's ear. This is followed by the Adhan. These first words that the child hears are very important, marking the beginning of its religious education. The child will hear the Adhan many times during its lifetime-it is the Call to Prayer which is made by the mu'adhin from the minaret of the mosque five times every day.
Shahadah "There is no God but Allah"
Adhan "God is greatest [rept. 4 times] I bear witness that there is no God but Allah [rept. 2 times] I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah [rept.] Come to prayer [rept.] Come to security [rept.] God is the most great [rept] There is no God but Allah"
Mu'adhin "Official who calls the faithful to prayer from the minaret five times every day."
Minaret "The tower attached to a mosque from the faithful are called to prayer"

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